Monday, October 15, 2012

Very Punny: Visual Pun Project

Play on Words: 

This project involved finding an image of a stage as well as silhouettes. After some simple cutting and arranging I used the text tool and typed in a list of random words to fit on top of the silhouettes and played around with their arrangement to make it look like the words were in their bodies. Finally, I used the threshold tool and decreased it so the stage was still distinct, but everything was in black and white so it blended in better together.  


The Watchman was created through a similar process, although this one was the most time consuming to create because I had to find, cut out and arrange so many different watches. However, this time I used the color gradient map to change all the color gradients from red to black, so all the watch colors would be the same and draw emphasis onto the profile of the man's silhouette.


A pun from on my own nickname, which comes from my tendency when I fist bump people, I put my fists above and bellow the other person's fist, making a "snow man". The background was created using the Overlay tool, I selected a Pattern Overlay and choose one I thought went well wit the image because it looked a bit like snow.

This one was inspired by a joke from the As You Like It cast. During rehearsal one day as we were reading through the script everyone kept joking about how my character Rosalind disguises herself as a boy in order to escape to the woods safely, but my friend's character Phebe, thinks Rosalind is actually a boy and falls in love with her/him. At one point, one of the guys piped up "Mandy...are you a man?"
We all laughed and I replied: "Well there is a reason why I'm named MANdy."

So for this image I put my head on a man's body, and used the Posterize tool on the background so I would stand out more.

Overall, I'm very proud of this assignment, although I found the limit of the tools we HAD to use a little bit difficult and I had to change certain things about the images that I would have rather left alone...

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