Thursday, October 25, 2012

Self Portraits

This project was to create an image using 9 3x3 in pictures of me and adding a colorful border that is representative of you. I had several pictures that I really liked and turned out well because all but one was taken with a pro-quality camera so I used 5 different images instead of just one or two.

After choosing the pictures I wanted to use, I dragged them into photoshop and set up a ruler and a grid so I could scale them down correctly. I played around with arrangements of the photo order until I found one I liked. I wanted the picture in the center to be the only image there weren't two of and made sure two of the same images weren't right next to each other.

Then, I began looking at different filters I could use. Most were pretty subtle (ex. accented edges) , but I chose a couple of more abstract one like Note Paper. My main goal with filters was to emphasize the face, not obstruct it, since that's what a self portrait is supposed to be anyway.

Finally, I found an image of a board display someone had decorated in a cute and quirky way, used the color replacement tool to make it appear mostly blue (leaving it all pink didn't look very good with the colors in the photos I used), but left some pink in there on purpose, and used that as my border.  I chose it because I really like things that look old fashioned, but are very classy and quirky. I tend to dress and act in that style so I thought it was very fitting.

I really enjoyed this project because it was fun to be able to portray and express myself in a new and interesting way. I think this work really expresses my personality as a whole and I really can't think of anything I'd want to change.

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