Thursday, November 29, 2012

Kaleidoscope Project

This project required the use of a photoshop tutorial found on youtube. The tutorial was simple and easy to follow; understanding the directions was easy. Following them on the other hand, was much more difficult with one step in particular. When it came to skewing my rectangular selection I could not get it at a perfect 45 degree angle to save my life. It just would not give me the option no matter what I did! I was about to fling the entire keyboard across the room in frustration. So in the end, I gave up and made it as close as I could.

For the first project like this, I had to use an original photo, which was difficult because all my photos were of people and people don't typically work well when creating kaleidoscopes. So I used a small section of an arm crossed over a shoe that wasn't easily identifiable so it would look more abstract. 

The second project I used a picture of a mask. I loved this image so much I actually made two colleges using different sections of the image. The bright colors and patterns really caught my eye and they melded together seamlessly when the image was completed. They're currently some of my favorite images I've created so far. 

All in all, this project was frustrating, but the effect I got out of some of the projects was well worth it. 






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